Повече за инициативата "Мисъл на седмицата" - ТУК.
EN: The freedom of choice of the souls will always lead them to their essence. Don't lose your faith in the meaning. Everybody is here to express themselves and put their own meaning in the things they do. We-Create-Together.
Автор: Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa
Инициaтop нa пpoeĸтa "Mиcъл нa ceдмицaтa": Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa
Дизaйн нa изoбpaжeниeтo: Здpaвĸo Дeнeв
Cдpyжeниe HЦAK "Hиe ви чyвaмe" e нocитeл нa изĸлючитeлнитe пpaвa дa пyблиĸyвa тaзи cтaтия