About us
Who are we?

In case you’re going through the pages of our site, you’re surely interested in the life of deaf people. We are the ones who’ll tell you about it. We talk about everyday life in the absence of perceived sound. We share our experience in the field of Silence and the specific mentality associated with it. We’ll tell you about technologies that make the world of sounds accessible of deaf people. We’ll tell you about parents and children walking the paths through Silence together to discover new ways of communicating. We’ll introduce you to Sign Language and its role in a world of Silence. You’ll learn about deaf scientists whose significant incredible discoveries were inspired by the mere idea of a better world. You’ll see artworks created by artists in Silence. We are the ones who insist on media attention on the matters of the deaf community and the accessibility of cultural events and educational environment for the deaf. For we truly hear you. And it’s in our name.
Our mission

Deaf people will be aided to find their way through Silence. We’ll assure them they’re equally able people regardless of their lack of hearing and the sounds missing in their life. We’ll introduce them to inspiring deaf people who’ve set good examples in Bulgaria and around the world. We’ll encourage them to take a look into themselves, discover new things about themselves and accept the discoveries. We’ll encourage them to be respectful of their condition and will make them aware of the fact that other people’s attitude towards them is a reflection of their own attitude towards themselves.
Deaf people’s loved ones will have the chance to see some first-hand experience with Silence shared. We’ll help them get over their fears, get to know the world of Silence and learn new ways of communicating with their loved ones. We’ll show them the importance of learning from each other.
The public will be able to catch a glimpse of deaf people’s world. Every visitor will have the chance to learn about each of the many different kinds of hearing loss. We’ll show people how misleading stereotypes could be. We’ll aid our visitors in finding the right way to communicate with deaf people.
In more than 20 sections, we aim to cover a broad range of topics so that any user would feel at home browsing through the Site. We strive to be helpful to our longtime readers and new coming visitors alike. We Hear You has been along since 2009. So far, it’s the only specialized website for people with hearing impaired in Bulgaria. The information on the Site is verified and presented in accordance with all ethical norms. It’s also translated in English to make it easier for the English-speaking visitors to browse through the Site.
Provided you’ve managed to learn more about the topics covered, or have gained a deeper comprehension of the matters concerned, our mission has been accomplished.
Our tasks

Our main task is to hear you, to show you and tell you about this or that, to give you some directions. We aim to be the mediators between the people from the unknown world of Silence and other people providing room for both parties to meet up beyond the typical barriers. We aim to be the gate towards a world that’s different, yet waiting to be discovered. Despite the fact that this world is different than the one we’re used to, it’s still valid and has its positive sides.
The Site was created as a means to share the owner’s personal experience. Nowadays, We Hear You is a media platform reaching out to a large number of people. We cover a wide range of topics from different areas of deaf and hard of hearing people’s life.
Our goals

Our uppermost goal is giving both deaf and hearing people the chance to get to know each other, comprehend each other and be able to communicate unrestrictedly with each other. We do this by providing diverse information concerning both parties. We hope to break the current stereotypes. We wish to reach out to an even larger number of people. We could be learning more about the world together with you. We’ll keep working on the Site as volunteers along with our partners. They are not just our good friends but also our fellows in the attempts to make the world a better and prettier place for the deaf. All of this is done free of charge.
Our success and accomplishments

Our greatest success is your credit. Ever since the Site was created 10 years ago, the readers, various organizations and institutions have rated it as extremely credible for it provides useful information on a wide range of topics.
We’re glad to read your e-mails and words of gratitude for our presence attempts to reach out to you. You state we know your worries and troubles. You’re thankful you would find answers for yourself and the experience you need shared by somebody else by simply reading through our publications.
We’re glad to be invited to events supporting deaf people’s causes as partnering media. We could also assist the organization of such events.
Whenever our publications are being copied without credits, we smile at the situation. It’s a proof we’re doing great.
The paths to success are unforeseen. Trails are usually created by people who don’t strive to accomplish big things at all cost because they’re aware success is not big. We consider it a success when we’re able to convince somebody things are not as hard as they imagine them to be. Whenever we could put a smile on someone’s face and inspire them to be creative again and show themselves up, we’ve had a significant accomplishment. We’re being successful when we’re able to show the positive sides of Silence regardless of people’s fears for the path to Silence is indeed a path towards the exploration of one’s inner world.
The most genuine things are best felt when there’s no disturbing sound around.
Thank you for giving We Hear You your credit!
The specialized website “We Hear You” was established in 2009 and is currently a renowned Bulgarian media aimed to inform people with hearing impairments, their relatives and the general public.
There are more than 20 sections in the site covering a wide range of topics related to auditory health and communication. Their main emphasis is on works created by and for the deaf people in fields such as cinema, literature, health, science, technology, media, education and many others. The icons for these sections are the author's design by Zdravko Denev.
Being a media, the site is profoundly involved in a number of social debates such as the Bulgarian Sign Language Law and it also places some delicate questions and publishes its own statements, open letters and media analyses related to them only to be cited by other media.
The site has a dynamic modern layout and a mobile version that are easy to navigate even for users who are not fluent in information technologies and applications. The cool icons depicting the sections in categories will lead the reader to the area of their choice where they could read more than 700 articles on various areas of life suitable for users of all ages.
“We Hear You” has its own information channels (YouТube channel, Facebook group and Facebook page are available and the number of users and community members is constantly increasing). This is how we keep in touch with our audience regularly and are available for active communication. The publications shared on Facebook as links reach between 300 and 500 people daily. It`s worth mentioning that the people who react or comment on the posted links are so much fewer than the people who actually read them. Such statistics show a good deal of interest in the specialized media that aims to offer its readers interesting materials with informational, educational and recreational purposes.
Over the years, “We Hear You” spread its activities beyond the informational publications organizing on its own or along with its partners and fellow organizations a number of events such as public readings for the deaf audience, anniversary celebrations, exhibitions for artists with hearing impairments, open lesson on Bulgarian folklore dances for the deaf audience with professional sign language interpretation provided at each event.
The site is open to forming new partnerships and being a co-host of various events making a wide range of creative ideas a reality and offering professional sign language interpretation so as to attract the attention of people with hearing impairments and include them in real life happenings. The site is a guarantee for additional popularity among the people with hearing impairments because its media partners get added into the site`s partners list. It also spreads the partners` projects or events via exclusive professionally written announcements and PR articles.
For the 14 years of its existence, the site has a great deal of credit among its readers and the institutions in Bulgaria and abroad. A good number of letters from parents of children with hearing impairments and private readers is received and they all convey their sense of gratitude for the useful information offered on the site and the joy of the existence of such a media.
So far, “We Hear You” is a site unique for the Bulgarian wide web.
The website is non-commercial, it does not publish advertisements, banners and materials with product positioning. From 2009 until now, the site has been built and maintained entirely free of charge, without external financial support.
The website uses the option of bilingual information in order to make the articles accessible to English-speaking users without the inconvenience of automatic technical Google translation. English translations are voluntary, so not all articles and materials on the website have an English version. We thank you for your understanding.
Since June 2022, the website www.repporter.com has been the property of the National Center for Alternative Communication "We hear you". The association keep the traditional, informative and educational traditions through the specialized website, without any commercial benefit from the content in the website.
The association is the bearer of exclusive and non-exclusive rights to publish articles and materials from its authors, with whom it has contracts for the right to use their works. For all other photos and images, which are necessary only and only for illustrative purposes to the articles, the Association uses free and semi-free licenses and written permission to use protected works from the respective source, and citing and indicating it correctly.
If the articles on the site do not have pictures, it means that they are currently waiting for a license to use from the requested source, or that the articles refer to expired events and the information in them may not be current.
The association complies with and follows Bulgarian and international legislative provisions regarding copyright and related rights, privacy policies and protection of personal data. See Terms and Conditions and Cookie Policy.
Last updated 15 May 2023